Now that summer is gone and fall is here to stay for a couple months, it’s as good a time as ever to examine your pool maintenance routine. Thankfully, maintenance generally doesn’t have to be as extensive in fall as in summer, but you don’t want to neglect your pool during these months either. Here are a few tips to help you strike the right balance until warmer weather rolls back around.

Clean the Surfaces

Since your pool has seen its heaviest use in the hot summer months, it’s a good idea to take this opportunity to do a thorough deep clean. Skim the surface and clean our your skimmer baskets as you normally would, but also consider brushing the walls and vacuuming the pool as well. Making sure that you’ve cleaned all surfaces—especially those that get little circulation—will help prevent algae from growing in your pool.

Adjust Your Chemical Usage

Now that you have a good clean baseline to start with, continue to balance your pool’s water chemistry. The plus side here is that your pool should require fewer chemicals to stay balanced due to less frequent usage and less direct sunlight. Keep an eye on your levels about ones a week and make small adjustments as needed.

Check Your Filter

Since your pool’s busy season has just ended, now is the time to change check in on your filter. If it’s a cartridge, it probably needs to be changed. If you have a sand filter, backwash your filter to clean it. During this season, you should be able to reduce your filter usage, only running your pump for about 4-8 hours a day. Make it a point not to neglect equipment inspections during this season as well since this is the time that leaks often go unnoticed.

These tips should help you keep up with the changing of the seasons and how they affect your pool. And as we mentioned recently, since fall is a slow season, it may just be the best time to start a new construction. So, let your friends know that they should contact us for a free project estimate today and have a happy fall!


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