Of all the things that can happen to your pool, having your water turn green is one of the worst. This problem is usually fixable, but until the issue is cleared up, your pool will be a far cry from the crystal blue we all hope for. So, how do you start the process of getting your water back to normal? Here are the steps you need to take in order to clean your pool and prevent this from happening again.

First things first, how old is the water in your pool? If it is more than three years old, it will be most efficient to drain the water and start over. If you choose to drain and refill, keep in mind the outside air temperature should not exceed 85 degrees or you can lose your plaster. Also, make sure to fill the pool immediately. Do not let it sit empty for more than 24 hours. If you are questioning the condition of your plaster before you drain the pool, call a pool professional for a second opinion.

Test Your Water

Obviously, if your water is green, it is probably unbalanced at this point. So, start off by checking your pH level to see where you stand. If you start shocking the water with a high pH, it will make your pool cloudy and take longer to clear up.

If the pH is high, add muriatic acid to bring it down, but you shouldn’t add more than a pint of acid every 72 hours. You may need to add acid several times over the next few days to bring down the pH. Test the pH again after a few hours of circulation each time.

Adding Chlorine

Once you have reached a pH level of 7.2 or lower, it is time to add chlorine. Using either granular shock or liquid chlorine, spread the chemical evenly throughout the pool while the pump runs. After the water circulates for a few hours, add an algaecide as well. You shouldn’t add more than three gallons of chlorine per adjustment. Again, it may take a few days to bring up the chlorine levels.

At this point, it is a good idea to backwash your filter for a few minutes and verify nothing is blocking your pool drain. If you have a cartridge filter, rinse it out or change it if necessary. Let your pump run for 24 hours afterward to maximize the effect of the chemicals you added.

Final Steps

By the time you return your pool, most of the green color should be gone. At this point, you should brush away any of the spots that are persistent and need extra attention. With brushing and filtration, your pool should return to normal within a few days. Keep an eye on the shape of your filter and backwash it at least once a day.

Preventing Future Issues

To maintain the cleanliness of your pool, keep chlorine in your water at all times. Whether this comes through an inline system, a floating dispenser, or a salt system, it is an important part of keeping your pool clear. You may also consider using a pool clarifier or flocculant to remove any particles in your water. Lastly, take proper care of your filter so it can do its job well.

If you are afraid your water is beyond repair, it might be more cost-effective to drain your pool and have it professionally cleaned. Otherwise, these tips should set your pool on the road to recovery. If you have any questions or need more help, contact us and let us know.


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