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Throw the Perfect Backyard Watch Party
With Super Bowl LIII coming up on February 3, it’s the perfect time to plan a backyard tailgate and watch the game with friends.
A New Year's Resolution for Your Pool
2018 has been a great year here at Saturn Pools as we’ve completed many new projects and had just as many happy customers. With the new year beginning, it’s always nice to look back on what you have accomplished, but it is also time to look forward to what next year brings.
The Family Pool: A Place for Memories
Coming out of the Christmas season and into the new year, one theme seems to be everpresent, coming up again and again—and that’s memories. The holiday season has a way of recalling years past like no other.
Is Your Pool Cover Safe?
If you have a safety cover, you’ve already taken one great step toward keeping your pool safe. And better yet, a good pool cover can even help you save money.
Fire Pits: Make Your Pool Work for Winter
Your pool is likely going to be (or already is) the centerpiece of your backyard. If that’s the case, why not design it in a way that makes it perfect year-round?
3 Financial Benefits to Building a Pool
The question has been asked a million different ways. Is building a pool worth the money? Will building a pool add to my property value? What are the costs versus value?
Music Festival Worker Invents Completely Mobile Swimming Pool
You don’t have to be a genius to have a great idea. At least that Chris Lisk, an employee at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, would say if you asked him.
4 Ways to Identify a Good Pool Builder
When it comes to pool construction, it is fun to dream about the details: size, shape, color, and decking. You may find yourself dreaming about what your new backyard will look like when all is said and done.
An Easy Way to Cut Your Pool Costs by One-Third
Who doesn’t like to save money? Well, when it comes to your pool the easiest way to do so is by reducing your energy costs and the amount of water you use. And many products, like variable speed pumps, cartridge filters, and solar pool covers have been designed to do just that.
When Should You Change the Water in Your Hot Tub?
As the weather gets cooler and cooler here in Arizona, it’s likely that you are spending less time in the pool and more time in the spa. And while your hot tub may have less water in it than your pool, it is still just as important to keep it clean and balanced.
An Easy Pool Maintenance Routine for Fall
Now that summer is gone and fall is here to stay for a couple months, it’s as good a time as ever to examine your pool maintenance routine. Thankfully, maintenance generally doesn’t have to be as extensive in fall as in summer, but you don’t want to neglect your pool during these months either.
Four Surprising Health Benefits of Owning a Pool
Owning a pool certainly has its benefits, that’s hard to deny. But did you know that those benefits go far past simply amusement and play? Apparently, according to the experts, having a pool can have a positive impact on your health.
Less Common Pool Chemicals You Need to Know
We’ve covered different types of pools chemicals in the past, but beyond the common ones like chlorine and muriatic acid is a whole world of chemicals that you may not be as familiar with.
Why Fall Is a Great Time to Build a Pool
When most people think of fall, they think of nice weather and Pumpkin Spice Lattes. New pool construction probably doesn’t even make the list, but it should. Here are three reasons why fall might actually be the perfect time to start building a pool.
5 Common Pool Myths
If there’s anything we know to be true about pools, it’s this: there are no shortage of myths about them. So much misinformation exists about pools and how we should interact with them.
What to Do If Your Pool Has a Leak
So you’ve noticed that your pool is starting to lose water faster than normal. Evaporation can cause a significant amount of water loss in Arizona, but this seems like more than usual. Maybe much more.
The Importance of Managing Calcium Hardness Levels
While we’ve covered balancing your pool’s pH and alkalinity levels previously, there is one other important measurement worth watching—your calcium hardness level.
The Best Sunscreens of 2018 Roundup
In Arizona, it’s nearly impossible to avoid the sun. When you are outside enjoying the pool, it is extremely important to be diligent in applying a good quality sunscreen.
5 Things You Need to Know Before Building a Pool
So many variables come into play when building a pool. And when investing in something that costs thousands of dollars, you want to make sure you have put in an adequate amount of thought into your planning.
How Shock Treatments Work
Why do you need to shock your pool? What exactly does it do, and is it important? Since very few of us have degrees in chemistry, these can be difficult questions to answer, but as pool owners, it is a good idea to understand what takes place when we add chemicals to our pool.